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Kitten Facts That Make You Love Them Even More
March 1, 2024

Do you often find yourself melting at the sight of an absolutely adorable kitten picture? Cats hold a special place in our hearts at all stages of their lives, but it’s during their kitten stage that they become irresistibly cute, not to mention incredibly enjoyable. What is it about kittens that makes them so captivating? What enchanting qualities do these furry darlings possess that leave us utterly charmed? Dive into entertaining facts about delightful little Fluffy from a Fernley, NV vet in this article.

A Purr-fect Tune

Cats’ purring is a widely recognized trait, isn’t it? This may have begun as a form of communication between mother and kitten. While nursing, little Fluffy can’t meow. Purring likely evolved as a means for both mother and kitten to communicate their sense of safety, comfort, happiness, and love.

Kneading the Bread

Our charming feline friends exhibit numerous delightful habits. One such behavior, known as kneading or “making biscuits,” though occasionally painful, is a sign of affection. This behavior is rooted in kittenhood, where kneading stimulated milk flow during nursing. Hence, when your adult cat kneads, it signifies a deep bond, recognizing you as a caregiver.

Kittens Are Born with Blue Eyes

Did you know that when a kitten is born, it has blue eyes? It’s true! It takes about a week for the kitten to open its eyes, and they might start to change color after that. By the time the kitten is about a year old, its eye color will be permanent, but it might still change a little bit for another year. Some cats, like the Siamese, keep their blue eyes forever.

Born into Darkness

Newborn kittens’ vulnerability lies in their being born blind and deaf. It takes about a month for their vision to develop, even after their eyes open.

Claw-ssified Thoughts

Have you felt the sting of kitten claws? Whether Fluffy was playing or attempting to climb you like a tree, it probably caused a moment of discomfort. Those small claws sure are sharp! Surprisingly, a kitten’s claws tend to be sharper than those of adult cats because they’re just smaller. It typically takes about four weeks for your little lion to master retracting her claws.

The Unique Aging Patterns of Kitties

Did you know that cat breeds age at different paces? For instance, the Maine Coon takes its time to mature fully, usually around three or four years old. On another note, some felines seem to stay perpetually young at heart, but that’s a tale for another day.

Their Enduring Charms Have Delighted Us for Ages

Evidence suggests that humans and cats have been pals for about 10 to 12,000 years, tracing back to the agricultural beginnings in the fertile crescent. Just imagine our ancestors back then, completely taken by these adorable little creatures! Cats had definitely worked their way into our hearts by the time ancient Egypt was at its peak. Egyptians revered cats, seeing them as sacred, even worshiping a cat goddess named Bast, often depicted with playful kittens by her side.

They’ve Stirred Up a Host of Folk Narratives

Cats have left their mark on folklore and legends worldwide, and among these tales, one that shines a light on kittens is the legend of the pussy willow. It tells of tiny felines swept away by a river’s current, only to be rescued by a compassionate tree that heard their cries and lowered its branches, providing a safe escape route. Since then, this tree has sprouted buds covered in soft down, a lasting tribute to its bond with these furry companions. It’s a heartwarming reminder of the special connection between cats and nature, wouldn’t you say?

Is Multiple Paternity Common in Cat Litters?

As confirmed by a Fernley, NV veterinarian, one of the unique traits of cats is their ability to produce litters with different fathers, though it’s relatively rare. This results in kittens who may only be half-siblings genetically, adding an intriguing element to feline reproduction.

They Are Unable to Generate Their Own Heat

The capacity to regulate body temperature independently doesn’t develop in kittens until they’re around five weeks old. Throughout their first month, they rely on their mother and littermates to keep warm, rendering them highly susceptible to cold.

Throughout their lives, many cats continue to have the instinct to seek out warm napping spots. Fluffy, for instance, enjoys basking in the sunlight and snuggling into warm laundry baskets. This tendency persists, providing them with comfort and ease.

How Do They Melt Our Hearts?

Kittens are often described as cute, adorable, and charming. But what makes them so irresistible? One reason may be their relatively large eyes in proportion to their heads. Interestingly, Fluffy’s eyes won’t grow, unlike the rest of her head. This unique feature enhances their appeal, making them even more captivating.

Nevertheless, little Fluffy’s playful antics and adorable vocalizations also have a talent for melting hearts.

Clowder or Kindle—Which to Say?

Have you ever heard that a multitude of cats is officially named a clowder? Additionally, a group of kittens is officially recognized as a kindle.

A Special Rarity

Every so often, a particular cat captures our hearts and becomes a sensation. In recent times, numerous celebrity cats, including Grumpy Cat and Colonel Meow, have gained fame online. One such feline was Lil Bub, known as the perpetual kitten because her dwarfism prevented her teeth from growing. Despite aging, she retained an irresistibly cute kitten-like appearance.

A Changed Point of View

Cats certainly have their own unique worldview, as exemplified by Fluffy’s different way of seeing things. Compared to humans, cats have superior depth perception and night vision. However, they are unable to perceive the full spectrum of colors.

Clawing Their Way into Literary Fame

In medieval times, kitty pawprints on manuscripts offer a glimpse into the longstanding companionship between cats and humans. Cats have been woven into the fabric of literature across generations. From Dinah in Alice in Wonderland to cherished characters like Hello Kitty and Nermal from Garfield, feline figures have left their mark. Their portrayal in literature reflects the enduring fascination with these intriguing creatures.

Is the Term Kittens or Cubs?

When we observe big cats, it’s fascinating to note the similarities they share with our household feline companions. These majestic creatures often exhibit traits reminiscent of our beloved housecats, like their affection for cozy boxes. However, amidst these similarities, there are also notable differences. Unlike their smaller counterparts, the offspring of larger cats are typically known as cubs, indicating the unique characteristics of their lives and habitats.

What Is the History of the Word “Kitten”?

Wondering about the origins of the term “kitten” for baby cats? It dates back to Middle English, from “kitoun,” which was derived from French “chitoun” or “cheton,” meaning a young cat.

Are They Able to Sense Earthquakes? Perhaps.

There’s speculation that cats are sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic fields and can detect tremors, but more research is needed. This idea is logical, given cats’ ability to discern subtle changes, such as wind direction, with their paw pads and whiskers, and sense impacts, like footprints.

They Radiate a Bit of Magic

Cats possess the remarkable ability to purr at precise frequencies, a lesser-known phenomenon. Typically ranging between 25 and 140 Hertz, these vibrations hold remarkable potential. Beyond merely soothing us, they aid in tissue healing and are utilized in physical therapy.

Small Yet Ferocious Predators

Hunters at heart, cats like Fluffy possess natural instincts. Despite their pampered lifestyles, they retain their hunting skills. Kittens, especially, are curious about their claws and teeth. Yet, this curiosity can lead to accidents, necessitating pet-proofing measures. Cats’ hunting heritage persists, underscoring their innate instincts, even in domestic environments.

Seeking guidance on kitten care? Contact us, Animal Care Center in Fernley, NV, for expert advice. We’re here to support you!